I recently achieved a 30lb personal record (PR) on my deadlift in just four weeks, and I’m excited to share how I did it. It all came down to going back to the basics and focusing on core bracing.
Back to the Basics
Every powerlifter knows how important it is to brace their core. Because of that, we often think we’re good at it. However, working with some really strong people, I’ve realized that just because someone is strong doesn’t mean they know how to brace their core well.
Identifying the Problem
Seeing this issue in my patients made me curious about my own core bracing technique. I wondered how much I could improve my performance by focusing on this fundamental aspect of lifting.
The Experiment
Removing the Belt: I decided to take off my weightlifting belt and practice paused deadlifts. The goal was to challenge my core bracing without relying on the belt for support. I continued this practice until my bracing felt as strong without the belt as it previously did with it.
Adding the Belt Back In: Once I was confident in my improved core bracing, I added the belt back in. This time, instead of using the belt as a crutch, I used it to amplify my performance. I continued to practice paused deadlifts, focusing on maintaining the strong core bracing I had developed.
The Results
This process took four weeks of consistent practice. The result? A 30lb increase in my deadlift PR, bringing my total 1RM to 585lb. By focusing on improving my core bracing and using the belt to enhance my performance, I was able to lift more weight safely and effectively.
Ready to Improve Your Performance?
If you’re curious about what weak points might be limiting your performance and putting you at risk of injury, contact us at Prevail Rehab & Performance. We can help you identify and address these issues, leading to better, safer lifts and impressive gains.
Don’t let poor technique hold you back. Reach out today and start your journey towards stronger, more efficient lifting!